Friday, June 11, 2010

180 Buffer!

The buffer brush is another amazing brush! I purchased the 180 Buffer Brush in December at the last MAC warehouse sale as well. This one alone was 20$ CAN. It cannot be found at any MAC retail store because it has been discontinued. I was originally in pursuit of a kabuki brush at the time and had no intentions of adding such a brush to my small and growing collection of brushes. However, I bought it nonetheless and do not regret it at all! The brush has a flat top, quite dense and gives you good coverage.
I use this brush to apply powder to my face. I pick some powder up with this brush and then swirl in a circular motion across my face. The bristles are really soft and the brush comes in a cream colour. The benefit of the bristles coming in a light colour is you know precisely how much product you are picking up. The handle is built in a way so you can place the brush upright on your table, and it has a groove so your fingers can wrap and wrest around it!

Original Price: $42.00
Rate: 5/5

Can you say a m a z i n g ?

In December I went to the local Mac Warehouse sale they hold 4 times a year (I think). One of the many items that I was lucky enough to get was the heirlooms brush collection. It was launched back in 2007 during the holidays. I have been eyeing the 187 Duo Fibre Brush for months, so when I saw it in the package of 4 face brushes for 20$ I was sold.
I’ve been using the brush for almost 6 months now, and it’s simply a m a z i n g ! I’m totally in love with it! I use it for applying my foundation.

• It leaves your skin looking airbrushed.
• It saves product, a little goes a long way.
• Saves you from over applying product.
• It feels feathery and tickles your skin as you sweep it across your face.

MAC’s infamous skunk brush is made from a combination of synthetic and soft goat fibres. It has a flat top making it easy to stipple on product to your face, and gives you a sheer coat of product as you glide the brush across your face. You can also use it for applying powders, blush, and blending as well. That being said this is my all time favourite foundation brush and would recommend this to anyone who uses liquid foundation.

Original Price: $42.00 CAN
Rate: 5/5

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I'm a full-time makeup junkie on a journey; where I will encounter the good, the bad, and the ugly. I'm not a professional make up artist, just the girl next door who has a passion for fashion n make-up :) I'll be posting my reviews, rants, tips, pix and anything useful because after-all sharing is caring right??So I finally jumped onto the blogging bandwagon..enjoyyy!!